Inspirational Homeschooling Program

Waldorf Inspired Homeschooling gives you the chance to provide your child a well balanced education straight from home, engaging head, heart and hands. We provide everything you need for age-appropriate and wholesome lessons.

Our mission is to make teaching as stress-free as possible. We have ensured that no additional research or preparation time is required unless you wish to make any adjustments or changes, or simply fancy elaborating upon a specific topic.

Our Correspondence Course  includes a report which details your child's accomplishments and areas for future improvement. This can be shown to an official or to a school your child might attend later on. You would simply send in your child’s work (or share it with us via Skype or Zoom) and fill in a questionnaire to arrange for details of this report.

The Correspondence Course also includes a Diploma for your child that states that she or he has completed the year and is ready to move onto the next. It has a real seal and ribbon to show him/her that his/her work is important and has been recognised by someone outside the family.  

The Daily Structure

Rest assured that our plans are structured and manageable. We provide a two-hour main lesson plan for each day, which includes:The main subject material, Poetry, Songs, Stories, Drawings & Paintings & Beeswax models etc.

Following the Main Lesson is a short break, after which there is another shorter lesson, often involving painting/arts and crafts/handwork, and, in the older age group, extra maths, geometry and English practice.
We also provide a list of ideas and suggestions for other activities for your child. Perhaps you’d like to join a group of like-minded homeschoolers for a collaborative project.


Price List 


Teaching Packs
Correspondence Course

All lesson plans, CDs, consultation, reports, diplomas, lending library
£275/term (plus p&p)
£775/year (plus p&p)

All at Home Course

All lesson plans, CDs
£200/term (plus p&p)
£550/year (plus p&p)

All sales are final. There are no refunds or returns.

The following books, made from extracts of our first year, The Golden Key, are also available now:
This could suit families who are already on a home schooling programme  and want to use Steiner education for teaching writing and arithmetic.

"The Golden Key ~ Where the Letters Came From" (Introducing the alphabet ~ 26 Lessons) £65
"The Golden Key ~ Where the Words Came From" (Introduction to writing ~ word families, nature verses etc. ~ 30 Lessons) £65
or both together £115

"The Golden Key ~ Where the Numbers Came From" (Introduction to numbers and the four operations ~ 17 Lessons) £40
"The Golden Key ~ Where the Sums Came From" (Introduction to number work and practice ~ 42 Lessons) £90
or both together £115

Extracted from our second, third and fourth years, arithmetic and English lessons are also available separately now:

"Carrying on With Sums" (60 lessons for children aged seven to eight) £105
"Carrying on With Words" (69 lessons for children aged seven to eight) £115

"Earth Journey ~Maths and Measurement" (60 lessons for children aged eight to nine) £115
"Earth Journey ~ Writing and Grammar" (45 lessons for children aged eight to nine) £95

"Gods & Giants ~ Arithmetic" (55 lessons for children aged nine to ten) £ 105
"Gods & Giants ~ Writing and Grammar" (44 lessons for children aged nine to ten) £115

From our first and fourth years, the following books are also available now:


"The Golden Key" ~ Form Drawing (43 lessons ) £90

"Over and Under" Form Drawing (Celtic and Scandinavian Knots, 34 lessons) £70

All sales are final. There are no refunds or returns.

Single Three Week Blocks are also available at £65 each (list of blocks vary from year to year & are available on request)

Consultation (first half hour) £25 (Via phone, Skype, mail, or face to face)



Two kindergarten years are now being prepared and will be completed as soon as possible ~ while we are still dreaming of the possibility to include the four upper school/high school classes as well.



Call Waldorf Inspired Homeschooling on 0800 047 6537 to discuss the very best in homeschooling resources for your child and for more information on our tuition subscription services.